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5 Reasons Why Being A Young Entrepreneur Rules!

January 17, 2009

In this post, I’ll go through why being a young entrepreneur rules –

  1. You have nothing to loose. There really isn’t any risk. You don’t have a family, you don’t have to pay any rent, you don’t have to worry about putting food on the table… so what if you fail? Now is the time to make all the mistakes and prepare yourself for the real world.
  2. You get attention from the press. It’s just so easy to get attention and create buzz. That’s how got me on the frontpage of newspapers such as AppleDaily. Which headline grabs your attention more – “4-Year-Old Blogger” or “30-Year-Old Blogger” (okay, obviously this was an extreme example, but you get what I mean) Use your age to your advantage to get people talking about you!
  3. You have enthusiasm. Young people have the energy to keep things going. You’ve got the passion which drives you forward and feel like it’s just another hobby of yours rather than hard work.
  4. You get extra pocket money. That’s the beauty of running your own business. Your friends have to work hard part-time to earn their pocket money, while you just simply have money rolling into your bank account while you’re sleeping!
  5. You can always fall back on your parents. In the end, if everything fails, you’ve always got your parents behind your back. You’ve got nothing to loose so get started!

Follow up post: 5 Reasons Why Being A Young Entrepreneur Sucks

10 Discussion to this post

  1. kelly says:

    Hi Stanley, as usual I enjoy reading everything u have!

    And you always get far more satisfaction for “jobs” well-done, more so than if you are working for someone else or if you are older.

    Number 5 is also true if parents are well-off.

  2. kelly says:

    P.S. Now…how to get back to 15 or 16??? >,<

  3. Stew says:

    Damn sad to think “falling back on your parents” is an exciting reason to be a young entrepreneur. That attitude is for leeches.
    Best wishes for real success.

  4. Josh Lam says:

    A few more reasons:
    You get to show off.
    You have a foundation if you ever to decide to do this when you’re older.

  5. Zippy says:

    Oh & the OPPOSITE is so true. I am on the OTHER end of the spectrum (ahem – OLDER). Not that I can fall back on my kids at this point, but I have my social security & I NEVER have to get a REAL job (whatever that is) again, so it’s good to be an OLD entrepreneur as well.

  6. stanleytang says:

    @Kelly – LOL

    @Stew – Good job

    @Josh – Yup

    @Zippy – Yeah. All the rules about the fact that there’s nothing to loose also applies to the old entrepreneur. Although sometimes young entrepreneur do have the advantage of keeping up with trends and have more energy to keep things going

  7. […] is the follow up post to why being a young entrepreneur rocks. This time, I’ll go over 5 reasons why being a young entrepreneur […]

  8. Excellent Post Stanley,

    I love your optimism, Enthusiasm is certainly something that is present in the Young Entreprenuers I’ve spoken to. Amazing business savvy too, I have to agree with Stew about the falling back on parents approach. Its somehting I’ve never done and don’t recommend, if you’re building a business take it seriousley!

    Best of luck to you all,

    Cheers Stanley T!


  9. Great Post!

    Yeah! I totally agree with you. I am a single mom with three children. They past being teenagers, still schooling and live with me.
    I wouldn’t hesitate to support my ‘young entrepreneurs’ if they chose that path. But not all parents share the same view.

    They may have all the advantages you mentioned, but they lack the ‘experience, knowledge, wisdom’ which comes naturally with our everyday experiences. Which adds to our “non-young entrepreneur” advantage and joy.

    Thanks so much for my blog.

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