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Entrepreneur: A Life of Persistence

March 31, 2009

This article is a guest post from Frank Angelone. He writes at http://socialtechzone.com

I haven’t been blogging for that long.  Honestly, I have been blogging for a few months now.  Although, I am really glad it is something I decided to get involved in.  I have found a new passion in writing about social networks and technology on my blog at http://angelone.tumblr.com.  During that time I have run across blogs that have given me insight on how to make money online.  From that point on, I had this vision where I wanted to become an internet entrepreneur.  I realized becoming an internet entrepreneur is extremely difficult, but I realized that if I put my mind to it, anything is possible. The title says it all, “A Life of Persistence.”  Persistence is what can get a person through anything and when you work at something your hard work will pay off.

The advice of persistence was given to me by an entrepreneur named Chris Pirillo who has become very successful in his own right.  I believe this advice is key for any aspiring entrepreneur.  Learning how to make money online basically comes down to finding different sources of income throughout the internet.  Sounds difficult right? Well, to be honest, it is.  To find credible locations on the internet to make money, you need to do searching and read a lot of advice from fellow entrepreneurs.  They can lead you to places where you can make money.

I’m guessing at this point you are wondering, where did my first source of income come from?  Alright, you probably don’t really care where my first source of income came from online, but everyone has to start somewhere.  If you remember me saying that the best way to start making money online is to find out from an entrepreneur, well that holds true here.  Once again, Chris Pirillo mentioned a site called Expo TV to do product reviews and I have been making money doing that.  That right there is how you get your online business going and as years go by, you continue to expand your business and find different sources of income.

I would be lying if I said it wasn’t hard.  Stanley would tell you the same thing.  Some people find a business model that works for them and it blossoms quickly and others it takes a little longer.  Although, if you remain persistent, I can guarantee you, good things will come of it.  Nobody who works hard for something walks away empty handed.  I have always loved this phrase, “in order to succeed, you have to fail.”  This is 100% true because failure shows you your mistakes and allows you to correct them when engaging in a new venture.

2 Discussion to this post

  1. This is an excellent, well written article. Very true, it’s not easy, but if you are persistent and learn all you can, you will succeed!

    • Frank says:

      I believe if you don’t take any risks, being an entrepreneur is non existent. You have to be willing to fail. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. It’s not a life everyone wants to live, but for those who do and put all their effort in, it can be a rewarding life! You need to keep pushing and never quit! I am glad you liked the article.

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