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12 Proven Sales Trigger Words That Sells

April 15, 2008

Did you know that customers will be more likely to purchase what you have if they see the right words? There are various sales trigger words that are important in that they are used to get people to feel a strong need to buy something.

The sales trigger words were generally introduced through the hypnotic marketing works used by marketing experts Joe Vitale and Mark Joyner. These words may sound like simple words that we use everyday, but these sales trigger words are important for your copywriting work in that they can be used to emphasize a need for something. Here’s a look at the twelve most important sales trigger words.

  • “You” is the most important of the sales trigger words. By focusing the sales letter on the reader you will be able to establish a good connection between you and the potential customer.
  • “Discover,” “New” and other variants are useful as well. This suggests that what you have is completely new and never before available to anyone.
  • “Money” and “Save” are important sales trigger words to use too. People want to save or earn money, and you can save people money, time or work as well.
  • “Safety” is one of the most useful sales trigger words in that it will emphasize that what you are offering is safe to use and has been tested so that it can be seen that it is easy to use what you are offering without any kind of risk.
  • “Guarantee” and “Proven” will emphasize that what you have has been tested so that it will work and that you are betting the quality and name of your business on the success of the products or services that you are offering.
  • “Love” is one of the sales trigger words that will help to give the reader a better idea of how much that person will enjoy the product. Of course, this isn’t the best single word to use but it can be useful in conjunction with other sales trigger words.
  • “Easy” and “Simple” are especially helpful word among the sales trigger words. Everyone wants something that is easy to use or an easier way of doing something difficult, and by emphasizing that you have is easy to use people will be more attracted to what you have to offer.
  • “Health” is the last of the sales trigger words to consider. Healthy products and things that promote good health are becoming more popular these days, so you should emphasize what health benefits your products or services may have to offer.

There are various different emotions that these sales trigger words will reach to. People will begin to have a good feeling about what you have, so positive emotions are reached. Excitement and curiosity are also used in that they will get people to be more interested about what you have.

These are all valuable sales trigger words that you should use in your sales copy. With sales trigger words you can touch on the emotions that people have and will be more successful in your sales work for it.

8 Discussion to this post

  1. MC Mar says:

    Isn’t that 11?

  2. stanleytang says:

    Thanks MC Mar for pointing out!

    I missed out the word “simple”. I’ve added that in 🙂


  3. Hi Stanley,

    Agree with everything you say Stanley.

    I’d also add good solid reasons why something is ‘Guaranteed’ or ‘Proven’. Giving people proof is extremely powerful.

    Regards, Tony

  4. Bummer…I’m using all of sales trigger words and I’m getting no traction at all…please tell me more…and soon.

    ~~gourmet coffee snob~~
    Always Drink Better Coffee

  5. evos1 says:

    Good Stanley, very useful info

  6. […] the last article, titled “12 Proven Sales Trigger Words That Sells“, I talked about the various words in copy that will help you to get your potential customer […]

  7. Thanks Stanley for the great information. It seems like you are getting a really good start at such a young age in the internet marketing arena. I agree with you that the words you use in promoting products is very important in the copy and blog posts and emails also.

    Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

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