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“The Money Is NOT In The List!” – The Art of Traffic Generation

June 4, 2007

Dear fellow subscribers,

I just wanted to take a snippet from my product “The Viral Marketing Blackbook” and share a little inspiration with you.

The Art of Traffic Generation

As you may know, traffic is the lifeblood to success for all online businesses. Making money on the internet is all about traffic monetization.

You’ve probably heard this phrase many many times before: “The money is in the list.”


And nope, it’s also not “the money is what you do with the list.” This list is just part of the big picture in internet marketing. Building a list is just one way of generating and monetizing your traffic

But in the end, everything comes down to traffic. Forget what the so-called “gurus” have taught you over the years. Most of them probably haven’t even made a single cent outside the internet marketing niche, and only know how to make money by teaching others how to make money.

The true remarkable stars of internet marketing are people like Larry Page and Sergey Brin (founders of Google), Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith (founders of Hotmail), David Filo and Jerry Yang (founders of Yahoo), Pierre Omidyar (founder of eBay), Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) etc.

I don’t think any of these made their billions using an opt-in list. They made their billions by driving massive traffic to their website and monetizing them. List building is just one way of monetizing your traffic.

The foundation of all internet businesses is traffic. No matter how good your website looks, if you don’t have any traffic, you won’t make any money. Using a red headline in your sales letter isn’t going to help much if you are only receiving 10 hits a day.

Stop wasting your time and money, trying to find the “secret” formula to increasing your Adsense revenue or your subscriber list. Concentrate on building the quality targeted traffic first, before working on your conversion rates.

Many people think conversion is the way to get started. Yes, conversion is essential, but you need the traffic to work on your conversion. Even if your conversion stinks, you can still make tons of money if you have a large volume of traffic.

That is why you should focus on building the traffic first, so that you are in a much better position to test the conversions. (How would you know how good your conversions are if you have no traffic to test on?)

Bottom line: the person with the most traffic wins almost every time.

This brings me to the basic formula to online success:

Traffic + Conversion = Profits

It’s as simple as that. Get massive amounts of traffic and convert as much of it as you can. If you can achieve that, then you will become rich online. This is the exact same fundamental formula ALL online businesses use, including Google and Yahoo. EVERY SINGLE internet marketing strategy in the entire universe fall under either the “traffic” or “conversion” category.

(If you can think of one which does not fall into one of the two categories, please tell me, because I want to know )

Do you think Google paid $1.65 billion for YouTube because they had good advert optimization or good web design? NO (in fact, their click through rates sucks). They bought YouTube because it had a wide audience and massive traffic, even though it had no revenue. Google paid for the traffic that they hope will eventually monetize and convert to create profit.

So by being able to generate traffic, and constantly testing and tracking to see what converts, you will make money.

Fundamentals of Traffic Generation

According to internet guru John Reese (of income.com), there are only three legal ways of generating traffic in the entire universe (with the fourth being stealing, which is using spywares etc – we won’t be talking about those, obviously).

1. Buy Traffic

You can buy traffic. This includes things like PPC advertising, banner advertising, ezine advertising, co-registration etc.

2. Create Traffic

You can create traffic. This may involve things like article marketing, press releases, search engine optimization, traffic from your list, social networking, social bookmarking etc.

3. Borrow Traffic

Finally, you can borrow traffic. There is no better way than to leverage other people’s traffic. This may include things like placing ads on other people’s ezine or newletter, joint ventures etc.

Viral Traffic

Traffic from viral marketing goes somewhere in between creating traffic and borrowing traffic. This is probably the most powerful, yet underused internet marketing strategy to generating massive amounts of free traffic.

In fact, many successful businesses you see today (both online and offline) succeeded by using the power of viral marketing, or word-of-mouth advertising, as its called offline. And of course, most importantly, viral traffic is free.

The Fatal Traffic Mistake

Before I move on, let me start off by emphasizing something vitally important to you. This is probably the number one fatal traffic mistake almost everyone makes when trying to get traffic to their website. This mistake practically guarantees that they are wasting their time and money on ineffective advertising.

And what is this fatal mistake?

They do not track every traffic source individually.

Tracking every single traffic source individually, including individual keywords, is the most important thing if you want to get profitable traffic. And if you are not doing that, then you won’t be able to know which traffic sources are making you money, and which are not, meaning that you won’t be able to improve and increase your targeted traffic.

Are you confused?

Here is an example. Let’s say I ran a pay-per-click campaign, placed some banner ads and bought some ezine ads to drive traffic to my website, but I forgot to track my traffic individually. At the end of the day, I look at my results and see that I have spent $500 on advertising and earned $1000 in revenue. I made a stunning $500 profit! I should be happy right?

Absolutely not.

Why? Because there is a good chance that probably $400 of the $500 spent on advertising was useless, and probably all the revenue came from the $100 advertising. If I was tracking the traffic source individually, and was able to pin-point where the traffic were coming from, I could have saved up to $400 and have made a profit of $900 rather than $500.

And that is the number one fatal mistake almost everyone makes.

As John Reese said, “testing and tracking is where 95% of the profit is made”, because it allows you to differentiate the winners from the losers.

To your success,

Stanley Tang

20 Discussion to this post

  1. Lisa Stoops says:

    Awesome post! I’m always hearing the money is in the list. I also was thinking that traffic is nothing without sales. But, it is true that you can work on conversions after you get the traffic. Thanks for changing my perspective!

  2. Peter Koning says:

    I disagree. A list is the result of getting traffic that converts from a visitor to a lead. Would you tell existing offline businesses to get rid of their mailing lists and customer database?

    Many times it’s been said that prospects need to hear your message 6 or 7 times, and from different media, before they buy. With no list it is a challenge to reach out to them.

    So the money is in the list, as an asset you can use in various ways.

    A list IS the first step in traffic monetization.

    But yes, you can’t get a list without traffic and conversion so it can’t be the first priority.

  3. Stanley Tang says:

    Thanks Lisa.

    Peter, yes the list is important, but the traffic comes FIRST. So the money is in the traffic 🙂

  4. Hello, Stanley …

    Yes, very nicely done. Whether people agree with everything you say or not isn’t as important as the fact that you’ve written something that gets them thinking. This is good!

    FYI, I signed up for your chapter. Been reading your stuff for quite some time, now, so I might as well continue as I have begun.

    Warmest regards …


    P.S. Now, Stanley, ya gotta do a coupla things, here …

    (1) Install the WordPress “dofollow” plugin and then scoot on over to Randa Clay’s site http://randaclay.com/blog/i-follow/ and pick up a “U COMMENT – I FOLLOW” logo to put on your blog so people know that, when they contribute a comment here, they get a link back to their site. (As it stands right now, you’ve got the “nofollow” default installed, so they won’t.)

    (2) Install the WordPress plugin that puts a little check box down below the comment box so people can check it to be notified by email when somebody adds a comment so they can pop back over here and respond to it maybe!

    (3) Scoot on over to MyBlogLog and open an account and install their colorful little widget in your sidebar so you can get lots more traffic here from people who belong to that community!

    (4) Install the MyAvatars plugin so their avatars on your widget will also show up in their comments!


  5. blogger says:

    The money’s in your fan club, it’s in the relationship,
    and if your subscribers are your fans, then money is in the list:))

  6. Hi Stanley,

    You’re article is an eyeopener. I agree, Traffic MUST come first.


    Ding F. Arenal
    Pitogo, Quezon, Philippines

  7. Debby says:

    I found a lot useful info. Thanks.0

  8. Bertha says:

    Interesting web page is, i\’ll see you later one more timet

  9. Danny says:

    I like it and the background and colors make it easy to read.

  10. Bill says:

    Cool guestbook, interesting information… Keep it UP. excellent site i really like your stuff./

  11. William says:

    Oh o ho! very nice site!

  12. veuscsnngn says:

    Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! xsxcsqgjnfliz

  13. stanleytang says:

    Thanks for the comments 🙂

  14. Stanley…

    A couple of things…

    You said “Concentrate on building the quality targeted traffic first, before working on your conversion rates.”

    If your site can’t convert isn’t it a total waste of time, money and energy generating all that “quality targeted traffic” ?

    Sure as eggs… they aren’t gonna come back and give you a second chance, UNLESS you have some sort of opt-in facility to your list in place (again BEFORE the traffic) so you can follow-up with them.

    You need to get your “list” mechanisms – autoresponder sequences etc) all set up and functioning properly BEFORE people come to your site otherwise you miss out on the golden opportunity to do follow-up marketing to them 🙂

    I DO agree with you partly though… the money is not in the list. It is in the ongoing relationship you develop with the people on your list who entrust their email address to you.

    Stephen Spry

  15. Miller says:


    Nice article. I love it.


  16. Tara says:

    Good article – testing is everything. As for traffic vs content, the tactics are different with free and paid traffic.

    If it is free traffic, you need free viral content or SEO.

    If you are buying the traffic, you need to have your conversion process already optimized otherwise you are going to pour money down the drain.

  17. thank you, your post was great

  18. blogg says:

    I really liked your blog!will chck back soon again thx

  19. nicco says:

    hmm good post…I have read this somewhere,But this is more informative.

  20. ben cotten says:

    I want to say that i agree with the original posters comments.Ca someone else make a better point?

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